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Categories starting with C

Items starting with C

CSF Xanthochromia

Reference Range

An interpretive comment is provided by the laboratory based on the National Guidelines for Interpretation of CSF Spectrophotometry.

  • Turnaround Time: 4 hours
Cyclosporin (Ciclosporine)

Cyclosporin (Ciclosporine)

Reference Range

Reference or therapeutic ranges are not reported as therapeutic target ranges are applied on an individual basis dependent upon specialty, dosing, period in treatment regime and clinical status. Further advice can be obtained from the appropriate speciality.

  • Turnaround Time: 24 hours
Calprotectin (faecal)

Calprotectin (faecal)

Reference Range

<60 µg/g – Normal calprotectin. No evidence of GI inflammation - ?IBS
60-150 µg/g – Borderline raised calprotectin indicating mild inflammation. Stop any NSAIDs and repeat in 4 weeks
>150 µg/g – Raised calprotectin. This may indicate inflammatory bowel disease. Refer to gastroenterology






  • Turnaround Time: 7 working days
Creatinine Clearance

Creatinine Clearance

Reference Range

Adult male/female reference range: ≥90 mL/min

(2014 NICE CKD guidelines CG182)

  • Turnaround Time: 24 Hours


Reference Range

 Following visual inspection, results are reported as chylomicrons being present/not present.

  • Turnaround Time: 48 hours


Reference Range

 Following visual inspection, results are reported as chylomicrons being present/not present.

  • Turnaround Time: 48 hours
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