
Downloads Files

G6PD Referral Form

Updated on 25 October 2017

HbA1c - Diabetes Diagnosis Flow Chart

Updated on 27 September 2012

  • Use of HbA1c for diagnosis of diabetes
  • Version: 6

Markers and Molecular Request Form

Updated on 05 September 2017

Pathology Bundles for Emergency Department

Updated on 22 August 2014

  • Agree test profiles for disease presentation
  • Version: 1

QE Pathology User Survey - April 2019

Updated on 20 August 2019

  • User survey conducted with Abbott
  • Version: 1

User Survey 2016

Updated on 30 March 2016

  • User satisfaction survey 2016
  • Version: 6

User Survey Feedback 2015

Updated on 30 March 2016

  • Results of 2015 user survey
  • Version: 1

General Information

General information about the website and its content

Location of Laboratories

Where the laboratories are located and information about the services offered at each laboratory