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Items starting with F

Full Blood Count (FBC)

Full Blood Count (FBC)

Reference Range

For Adult reference ranges click here

For Neonatal and Paediatric Reference Ranges click here

  • Turnaround Time: 24 hours, if urgent by prior arrangement with laboratory


Reference Range

1.5 - 4.1 g/L

  • Turnaround Time: 24 hours
Factor Assay

Factor Assay

Reference Range

FII (Factor 2) 87-129 u/dL

FV (Factor 5) 66-135 u/dL

FVII (Factor 7) 66-170 u/dL

FVIII (Factor 8) 57-158 u/dL

FIX (Factor 9) 82-166 u/dL

FX (Factor 10) 76-171 u/dL

FXI (Factor 11) 70-164 u/dL

FXII (Factor 12) 64-183 u/dL

Bovine Chromogenic FVIII (Factor 8) 0.67-1.44 IU/ml

  • Turnaround Time: 7 days
Faecal Elastase-1

Faecal Elastase-1

Reference Range

Normal: >200 ug/g

Mild to moderate exocrine pancreatic insufficiency: 100 – 200 ug/g

Severe exocrine pancreatic insufficiency: <100 ug/g

  • Turnaround Time: 15 days


Reference Range

                                      New Ferritin reference range (µg/L)

Females                                      20 – 235

Males                                          22 – 501


Please note new reference range in use from 04/12/23. This change was agreed with consultant haematologists following a recent audit examining the appropriateness of the current Ferritin reference range. If you have any further questions regarding this change, please contact the Duty Biochemist on 0121 3716543”

  • Turnaround Time: 1 day


Reference Range

3.1 - 20.5 µg/L




  • Turnaround Time: 1 day
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