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Categories starting with C

Items starting with C



Reference Range

The optimal cholesterol concentration for men and women is <4.0 mmol/L (Joint British Societies Guidelines). The National Service Frameworks for coronary disease recommend a reduction to <5.0 mmol/L for those who are treated for secondary prevention or primary prevention where their risk for cardiovascular disease is >20% over a 10 year period. It is often recommended that diagnosis and treatment should not be based on individual measurements because of the relatively high biological variation. Age, sex, pregnancy etc may affect results and appropriate ranges are reported.

  • Turnaround Time: 1 day


Reference Range

Random cortisol

The reference range for cortisol (before 10am) is taken from the Alinity kit insert and is 102 – 535 nmol/L.


Short synacthen test

The current cut-off used for a short synacthen test (SST) is 450 nmol/L. This cut-off was derived from a paper in 2013 (El-Farhan et al1) which studied the response to synacthen in healthy volunteers in Gen 2 immunoassays vs GC-MS . This study included the Abbott Architect platform (uses the same assay formulation as the Alinity analysers) which showed good correlation of the Gen 2 assay to GC-MS.  The bias of immunoassays to GC-MS was overall positive. The 2.5th percentile of the geometric mean of post-ACTH stimulation cortisol concentrations for the Abbott assay were 430 nmol/L (Male) or 416 nmol/L (Female) compared to the cut-off of 420 nmol/L for a GC/MS method. It was therefore decided to keep the SST cut-off to 450 nmol/L.

(1El Farhan et al (2013). Method-specific serum cortisol responses to the adrenocorticotrophin test: comparison of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and five automated immunoassays. Clin Endocrinol 78(5): 673.)

  • Turnaround Time: 1 day
Cortisol (Urine)

Cortisol (Urine)

Reference Range

24h urine: <130 nmol/24h

Random urine: <12.4 nmol/mmol


  • Turnaround Time: 1-2 weeks
Creatine Kinase (CK)

Creatine Kinase (CK)

Reference Range

Females         29 - 168 U/L

Males             30 - 200 U/L

CK levels are higher in males than in females, and in black race populations.  Exercise, muscle trauma (contact sports, traffic accidents, intramuscular injections, surgery, convulsions, wasp or bee stings, and burns), and drugs such as cholesterol-lowering statins can damage muscle and increase serum CK concentrations.


  • Turnaround Time: 1 day


Reference Range

Adult Male: 64-104 µmol/L

Adult Female: 49 - 90 µmol/L 


  • Turnaround Time: 1 day
Creatinine (Urine)

Creatinine (Urine)

Reference Range

Male:  9.0-18.0 mmol/24hrs

Female:  7.0-16.0 mmol/24hrs


  • Turnaround Time: 1 day
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