Haematology and Transfusion Department

Click here for the list of Haematology and Transfusion UKAS accredited Assays


This section of the website provides information about the Trust’s Haematology laboratories and how to use the haematology laboratory service. It is by no means exhaustive and should further information, clinical advice or result interpretation be required, please contact a member of the haematology staff using the contact numbers listed below.

Urgent Samples

Should you require any urgent full blood count or coagulation specimens to be analysed in the laboratory during core hours at QEH, you must telephone the routine laboratory prior to dispatch of the sample to obtain a specimen reference number (0121 371 6920 or ext 16290). This ‘urgent specimen’ number must be written on the request form as must the correct location of the patient. This will facilitate its processing and ensure that the results are returned directly to the requesting source. It is important to do this in order that we identify urgent specimens and provide easy identification for the laboratory staff on arrival within the department.

The following tests are available out-of-hours:

  • Full Blood Count
  • PT, APTT, Fibrinogen and D-Dimer
  • Sickle cell solubility screening test
  • Malarial parasites
  • Blood film for diagnostic purposes

For urgent special coagulation assay information click Here

The following locations are already prioritised:


Turnaround time (from receipt of specimen)


WCCA, WCCB, WCCC, WCCD, WADM, WAMB, Oncology, W622, QCCU, QSSU,  St Mary’s Hospice and GP samples marked urgent.

1 hour


All Trust inpatients

4 Hours

All Turnaround times for inpatients are monitored for FBC, PT, APTT and D-Dimer.

Please note that at times of high demand or if there are instrument malfunctions we may not be able to achieve these turnaround times.

General Information

General information about the website and its content

Location of Laboratories

Where the laboratories are located and information about the services offered at each laboratory