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Reference Range

The optimal cholesterol concentration for men and women is <4.0 mmol/L (Joint British Societies Guidelines). The National Service Frameworks for coronary disease recommend a reduction to <5.0 mmol/L for those who are treated for secondary prevention or primary prevention where their risk for cardiovascular disease is >20% over a 10 year period. It is often recommended that diagnosis and treatment should not be based on individual measurements because of the relatively high biological variation. Age, sex, pregnancy etc may affect results and appropriate ranges are reported.

  • Turnaround Time: 1 day
Potassium (urine)

Potassium (urine)

Reference Range

None given. Interpret in conjunction with the serum concentration

  • Turnaround Time: 1 Day
Lyso GB3

Lyso GB3

Reference Range

The lysoGB3 assay is intended as a screening assay to either initiate further investigation or to monitor a patients response to therapy. Therefore there is not a reference range associated with this assay, but a cut-off to prompt further action or to rule out Fabry’s disease.

  • Turnaround Time:

    20 working days

Urine pH

Urine pH

Reference Range

No reference range is reported for urine pH. Although urine pH normally ranges between 6.5 to 8.5 in healthy individuals, it varies with food consumption. Urine with a pH >6.0 is suggestive of alkali contamination or the presence of urea splitting bacteria. In a patient with metabolic acidosis, a urine pH >5.5 suggests a failure of urinary acidification which may indicate renal tubular acidosis.  

  • Turnaround Time:

    1 working day



Reference Range

 Following visual inspection, results are reported as chylomicrons being present/not present.

  • Turnaround Time: 48 hours


Reference Range


  • Follicular phase:                                       <0.3 - 1.0 nmol/L
  • Luteal phase:                                             3.8 – 50.6 nmol/L

Serum progesterone (Day 21) - >30 nmol/L suggests adequate ovulation

Postmenopausal:  <0.3 - 0.6 nmol/L


  • <0.3 - 0.6 nmol/L
  • Turnaround Time: 24 hours
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