A Full Blood Count (FBC) comprising haemoglobin, red cell count, haematocrit, red cell indicies (MCV, MCH & MCHC), total white cell count with differential and platelet count is generated by automated equipment from a single blood sample. If the full blood count results are abnormal or there is a specific indication on the request form, a blood film will be stained and examined microscopically.
Please click Here for the Sysmex glossary which provides further details on various Full Blood Count parameters.
Stability of samples for FBC if kept stored in cold storage at 2-8oC is at least 8 hours and a maximum of 72 hours (3 days). This can differ depending on the parameter (e.g. RBC and WBC indices) which is 24 hours, but the MCV, MCH and MCHC are not usually stable for more than 8 hours when stored at 2-8 oC.
Please note;
- samples should be delivered to Specimen Reception at the earliest opportunity.
- clotted samples can not be processed.
- if venepuncture is difficult, or if the blood is not mixed rapidly with the anticoagulant, microclots may occur resulting ina falsely elevated low platelet count.
- the age of the sample and incorrect storage conditions can affect results.
Assay Limitations:
The analyser linearity limits are set in the table below:
Possible sample interferences if the following are present: