Sample Preparation
Samples for any coagulation tests must be filled to the black fill line indicated on the sample tube. Any sample filled above or below this level will be rejected and a repeat sample will be required
General Information
Note: For external requests please click Here for Coagulation Disorders request form. Please complete all information fully
For urgent special coagulation assay information click Here
Samples that meet the following criteria will not be processed:
- Haemolysed, clotted, underfilled or overfilled samples.
- Samples >12 hours old from the time of collection.
- Samples received from other hospital laboratories that have been frozen and thawed.
- Samples which fail the minimum data set.
Pre/post samples:
- All pre and post factor level requests must be clearly labelled as 'pre' and 'post' on the samples and request form. Please note a separate request form should be used for each pre and post request.
- Post samples should be taken at least 30 minutes after factor concentrate has been given.
Assay limitations:
- PT based assays: (Factors II, V, VII and X) not affected by heparin up to 1 U/ml, haemoglobin up to 500 mg/dl, triglycerides up to 1000 mg/dl or bilirubin up to 30 mg/dl.
- APTT based assays: (Factors VIII, IX, XI and XII) not affected haemoglobin up to 500 mg/dl, triglycerides up to 1000 mg/dl or bilirubin up to 26 mg/dl.
- Chromogenic Factor VIII assay: not affected by heparin up to 1 U/ml.
Reference Range
FII (Factor 2) 87-129 u/dL
FV (Factor 5) 66-135 u/dL
FVII (Factor 7) 66-170 u/dL
FVIII (Factor 8) 57-158 u/dL
FIX (Factor 9) 82-166 u/dL
FX (Factor 10) 76-171 u/dL
FXI (Factor 11) 70-164 u/dL
FXII (Factor 12) 64-183 u/dL
Bovine Chromogenic FVIII (Factor 8) 0.67-1.44 IU/ml