Preferred Sample Type

MRSA Screen

Suitable Specimen Types

Charcoal Swab


Turnaround Time

2 to 4 Days (Negative Report) 3 to 5 Days (Positive Report)

Sample Stability

If transport is delayed, sample must be refrigerated for up to 48 hours

General Information

A full MRSA screen requires a combined swab taken from the nose (both anterior nares), and groin (both sides) along with a separate throat swab. The swabs should be moistened in sterile saline before applying to the site and placed in the charcoal transport medium to maintain viability during transit to the laboratory.


Please be aware that sample types other than swabs are not UKAS accredited.

Additionally, the methodology for reading MRSA culture plates has changed, this is therefore not UKAS accredited whilst the laboratory awaits extension to scope.



Information Sharing: If your sample needs to be referred or a notifiable disease is detected from your sample, your details and sample may be shared with the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA). This is a legal requirement. The UKHSA is sponsored by the Department of Health and Social Care.


  • EQA Status: Enrolled to UK NEQAS scheme

General Information

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Location of Laboratories

Where the laboratories are located and information about the services offered at each laboratory