Blood Collection
Blood Bank Issue room and Satellite Blood Issue Fridges for storage of blood are situated at:
Location/ Department |
Door number |
Blood bank |
Level -1: A/-1/CLS/C5a |
level 2: A/2/CC/160 |
Cardiac Theatre |
Level 2: A/2/TH/158 |
Main Theatres |
Level 2: A/2/STR/20A |
Ambulatory Care |
Level 0: A/0/AC/130 |
Emergency Department |
Level 1: A/1/AE/7 |
Interventional Radiology |
Interventional Radiology Department |
Centre for Clinical Haematology (CCH) | Centre for Clinical Haematology Department (CCH) |
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
The main issue area in the QEHB is secure at all times and will require a Trust identity card for access.
Collection of Blood or Components
This procedure of collection of platelets and FFP is the same as blood. The only difference is the storage and transport temperature. The full procedure is discussed in the Transfusion Policy (available on the Trust Intranet). Only those trained and assessed as competent in the procedure can collect blood and blood components. The procedure is also prominently displayed in the blood bank issue areas. Only one unit of blood can be collected at a time. Exceptions are generally associated with emergencies in theatres, Critical Care Units or Accident and Emergency. When components of different types are collected at the same time they should be carried in separately.
UHB, Department of Laboratory Haematology (Including Transfusion), Blood Bank
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