Patients with Allo-Antibodies

Patients with Allo-antibodies

Blood for transfusion is routinely typed for ABO and Rhesus (D) groups only. If a patient has produced an allo-antibody stimulated either by a previous transfusion or by pregnancy, it will be necessary to search for blood negative for the antigen. Some patients carry an antibody identification card, or such information is displayed in their notes. This information MUST be written on all cross-match request forms. Please try to give at least 24 hours notice of transfusion or expect a delay otherwise. When a new antibody is identified in a patient, Blood Bank will request a further 4 x EDTA of blood for investigation by the National Blood Service who will confirm the antibody and issue an antibody identification card which the patient must carry at all times. 

UHB, Department of Laboratory Haematology (Including Transfusion), Blood Bank

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