Blood Bank Request Procedure

All requests for blood or blood components (red cells, plasma, platelets and cryoprecipitate) should be made on the request form or by telephoning blood bank, if there is already a valid group and save available. Please note blood bank have a two sample rule, which requires all patients to have a historical blood group on file along with a current valid group and save prior to any crossmatched blood being issued. All urgent requests should be discussed with blood bank so they can process the samples as a priority.

All patients requiring a blood transfusion are required to have a historic blood group on file and a current valid group and save prior to receiving any crossmatched blood.

There is zero tolerance regarding sample labelling and requesting in blood bank. Only samples that meet the following criteria will be accepted:

  • All samples must be hand written onto the bottle label, sticky labels of any kind are not acceptable.
  • The details on the sample and request card must match.
  • Pre-printed addressographs are acceptable on the request form but should be initialled.
  • On the sample and the form there must be;
    • Registration number.
    • Surname.
    • Forename.
    • Date of Birth.
    • Gender.

In addition to this the form must also have:-

  • Consultant details.
  • A contact number.
  • Reason for the request.
  • Location of patient.
  • Phlebotomist’s name.
  • Signature of the requestor.
  • Date and time when sample drawn.
  • Type of Request i.e. G&S, Crossmatch and number of units if required.
  • Special Instructions - The laboratory must be informed if these are required
    • e.g. Irradiated, CMV negative, HLA selected, sickle negative etc.

Information on the request form and the blood tube should be double-checked to ensure that it is both complete and correct. Patient information on the blood tube must be taken from the patient not the form.

In an emergency, the registration number, gender and phonetic trauma name will be acceptable.

Blood transfusion errors are most often those of patient identification. Full details on patient identification can be found on the Blood Transfusion Policy Procedure 2. Patients identity much be confirmed by asking the patient to state their

  • First and Surname
  • Date of Birth
  • Check this information and the hospital registration number against the wrist band and request form.

UHB, Department of Laboratory Haematology (Including Transfusion), Blood Bank

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  • Last updated on .
  • Hits: 3091

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