Plasma must be separated and analysed within 48 hours of sample collection.
Send immediately
Plasma must be separated from cells within 48 hours of collection.
Store separated plasma at -20°C if analysis is delayed longer than 2 days
Please send separate EDTA tube if Full Blood Count Also Required
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is formed in the parathyroid glands and secreted into the blood stream. Intact PTH consists of a single polypeptide chain containing 84 amino acids and has a molecular weight of approx. 9500 daltons. The biologically active N-terminal fragment has a half-life of only a few minutes.
Selective measurement of the (mainly) intact parathyroid hormone permits direct ascertainment of the secretory activity of the parathyroid glands. PTH, together with vitamin D and calcitonin, brings about mobilization of calcium and phosphate from the skeletal system and increases the uptake of calcium in the intestine and the excretion of phosphate via the kidneys. The constancy of the blood calcium level is ensured by the interaction of PTH and calcitonin. The secretion of PTH is inhibited by high calcium concentrations and promoted by low calcium concentrations. Parathyroid gland disorders lead to elevated or depressed blood calcium levels (hypercalcaemia or hypocalcaemia) brought about by a change in the secretion of PTH.
Detection of subfunctioning parathyroid glands (hypoparathyroidism) requires the use of a highly sensitive test in order to be able to measure PTH levels well below normal.
Hyperfunctioning of the parathyroid glands results in an increased secretion of PTH (hyperparathyroidism). Primary causes are adenomas in the parathyroid glands. In secondary hyperparathyroidism the blood calcium level is low as a result of other pathological states (e.g. vitamin D deficiency).
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2.7 – 11.1 pmol/L
(This reference range has been derived by assessment of literature and local data)
PTH should be interpreted in the context of calcium and albumin measurements. A PTH value inside reference limits in the presence of elevated corrected calcium values may indicate PTH excess.
Copyright UHB Pathology 2025
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The laboratories at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Heartlands Hospital, Good Hope Hospital and Solihull Hospital form part of the services provided by University Hospitals Birmingham and are UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) accredited to the ISO 15189:2012 standard. Laboratories are currently transitioning across to ISO 15189:2022 standard. For a list of accredited tests and other information please visit the UKAS website using the following link:
Tests not appearing on the UKAS Schedule of Accreditation currently remain outside of our scope of accreditation. However, these tests have been validated to the same high standard as accredited tests and are performed by the same trained and competent staff.
For further test information, please visit the test database:
For further information contact Louise Fallon, Quality Manager, 0121 371 5962/ 0121 424 1235