Preferred Sample Type

Alcohol/Ethanol (non-legal)

Suitable Specimen Types

Fluoride Oxalate

Alcohol/Ethanol (non-legal)

Specimen Volume

2 mL blood

Specimen Transport

Not applicable

Sample Preparation

Collect into fluoride oxalate (grey top) tube and ensure bottle is tightly sealed.

Turnaround Time

24 hours

Sample Processing In Laboratory

Ensure bottle remains tightly sealed prior to analysis. Samples must not be put through the pre-analytical (MPA) system.

Sample Stability

3 months at 5°C

General Information

Ethanol is a depressant of the central nervous system (CNS). It is absorbed directly from the stomach or digestive tract and is eventually redistributed throughout the entire body water. It is elimi­nated via:-


  • Biochemical destruction in the liver (>90%)
  • Exhalation as vapour from the lungs
  • Excretion in the urine. (The blood level decreases as a result, at a rate of between 1 and 2 mg/L/)


Ethanol affects all cells, but most dramatically produces behavioural disturbances due to a depressive effect on the brain. Serum ethanol levels may be ordered in suspected alcohol ingestion as well altered mental status of unknown etiology, coma, psychiatric emergencies, traumatic emergencies, and history of other ingestions (eg, toxic alcohol, salicylates). The symptoms of ethanol intoxication may include confusion, staggering, vomiting, and unconsciousness.  Ethanol levels are also monitored every few hours in patients that have been given ethanol as an antidote to methanol or ethylene glycol poisoning. 

Patient Preparation

No patient preparation is necessary. Do not use alcohol or other volatile disinfectants at the site of venepuncture.


Guide to interpretation

> 1000 mg/L -  intoxication

3500 - 4500 mg/L - severe intoxication

 5500 mg/L - usually fatal



Reference Range

Not applicable


  • EQA Status: UK NEQAS
  • EQAS Scheme: Yes

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