Sample MUST be delivered by hand to laboratory and not sent in Sample Delivery System (SDS).
First Class Post on wet ice
Store at -20 ºC until ready to post
no special requirements
-20 ºC.
Used to determine the orgin of watery ear or nose discharge, especially following a high risk event such as a head injury. Detection of asialotransferrin in a fluid indicates the presence of CSF, and therefore can be used to diagnose CSF rhinorrhoea or otorrhoea. CSF asialotransferrin is also known as Tau protein but is not related to the family of microtubule-associated Tau proteins found in neuronal tissue. It is an asialylated form of transferrin produced in the cerebral parenchyma by lysosomal hydrolysis of the serum-derived transferrin. Up to 30% of transferrin in lumbar CSF is in the asialylated form.
If patient has to store at home while collecting, it is best to freeze the sample.
Provided by reference laboratory
No scheme available
Copyright UHB Pathology 2018
Protection of Personal Information – Clinical Laboratory Services comply with the Trust Data Protection Policy and have procedures in place to allow the Directorate and it’s employees to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 and associated best practice and guidance.
University Hospitals Birmingham medical laboratories at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Heartlands Hospital, Good Hope Hospital and Solihull Hospital are UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) accredited to the ISO 15189:2012 standard. For a list of accredited tests and other information please visit the UKAS website using the following link:
Tests not appearing on the UKAS Schedule of Accreditation currently remain outside of our scope of accreditation. However, these tests have been validated to the same high standard as accredited tests and are performed by the same trained and competent staff.
For further test information, please visit the test database:
For further information contact Louise Fallon, Quality Manager, 0121 371 5962