Suitable Specimen Types

Citrated Plasma

EGFR (COBAS Mutation V2 via CtDNA)

General Information

Turnaround Time

>90% 5-7 days

Mutation Spectrum

Deletions in: Exon 19, G719Xaa, S7681, L858R, L861Q, T790M, (3) Exon 20 insertions

Specimen Requirements
  • 8-10ml blood in PAXgene ccfDNA tubes. Invert gently 8-10 times immediately
  • To reach laboratory as soon as possible. Please note the laboratory has a seven day window to process the blood, therefore the sample must reach the laboratory no later than on the sixth day post-draw - failure to do so will result in laboratory not being able to process the sample. The laboratory's operating hours are 9-5, Monday-Friday (excluding Bank Holidays).

Testing tubes are available upon request - please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


EGFR (CtDNA) Request Form 

General Information

General information about the website and its content

Location of Laboratories

Where the laboratories are located and information about the services offered at each laboratory