Protocols Archive

Protocols Files

Adrenal Insufficiency Guidelines

Updated on 21 November 2023

  • Adrenal Insufficiency Guidelines

Coagulation disorders request form

Updated on 23 November 2018

FMH Request Form

Updated on 05 September 2017

G6PD Referral Form

Updated on 25 October 2017

HbA1c - Diabetes Diagnosis Flow Chart

Updated on 27 September 2012

  • Use of HbA1c for diagnosis of diabetes
  • Version: 6

Markers and Molecular Request Form

Updated on 05 September 2017

Sweat Test Patient Leaflet

Updated on 06 November 2013

  • Patient information sheet for sweat testing
  • Version: ST.L002

Thyroid Guidelines - Not On thyroxine

Updated on 20 September 2013

  • Describes interpretation of thyroid function tests for people not taking thyroxine
  • Version: 1

Thyroid Guidelines - On thyroxine

Updated on 20 September 2013

  • Describes interpretation of thyroid function tests for people taking thyroxine
  • Version: 1

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