Suitable Specimen Types

Plain Spot Urine 24 Hour Urine Plain

Total Protein (Urine)

Specimen Volume

Random or 24 hour collections

Sample Preparation

Centrifuge all urine samples at 3200 rpm for 10 minutes prior to analysis.

Turnaround Time

1 Day

Sample Processing In Laboratory


Sample Stability

Store at 4ºC for up to 7 days, or store frozen for up to 1 month

General Information

Protein measurements in urine are used in the diagnosis and treatment of renal and heart disease which are characterised by proteinuria or albuminuria. Proteinuria is usually first detected by a positive reaction for protein using a urine dip-stick. A ‘trace’ protein corresponds to a protein concentration of approximately 0.3 g/L and will prompt confirmation before further investigation. Proteinuria in excess of 2g/24h is virtually always pathological and usually signifies glomerular disease.

Patient Preparation



Interference from haemolysis - do not analyse blood-stained specimens.

*Please note this assay is not currently included in our accreditation scope*

Reference Range

Random urine:     0.01-0.14 g/L

24hr excretion:    <0.3 g/24h

Source : Abbott Diagnostics


  • EQA Status:


  • EQAS Scheme: Yes

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