Articles in Category: Haematology

Latest news from the Haematology Department

Change to Haematology Reference Ranges

Following an exercise to re-assess the reference ranges for FBC parameters, these will be changing on Monday 7th November 2022. These will be updated in Clinical Portal, PICS and ICE. Please click Here for current reference ranges.


Emicizumab Assay

The Emicizumab assay is now performed in special coagulation at QEHB. Samples are no longer referred to Birmingham Children's Hospital. 

Emicizumab (or Hemlibra) is a monoclonal antibody that mimics the function of factor VIII by bridging activated factor IX and factor X to restore the function of missing activated factor VIII, which is needed for haemostasis.


How HEMLIBRA® (emicizumab-kxwh) Works

Update to Malaria Antigen Testing Kit

Due to supply issues there has been a change to the manufacturer of our malaria antigen kits effective from 26/08/2022 . The new test kit has been verified and is awaiting ISO accreditation at our next UKAS visit.


General Information

General information about the website and its content

Location of Laboratories

Where the laboratories are located and information about the services offered at each laboratory