Preferred Sample Type

Inhibitor Screen

Inhibitor Screen

Specimen Volume

2 x 3.5 mL

Specimen Transport

Standard transport to laboratory - State for the attention of Special Coagulation on request form

Sample Preparation

Samples for any coagulation tests must be filled to the black fill line indicated on the sample tube. Any sample filled above or below this level will be rejected and a repeat sample will be required.

Turnaround Time

21 days

Sample Processing In Laboratory

Sample should be centrifuged

Sample Stability

12 hours from venepuncture (ideally received no later than 4 hours after collection)

General Information

Samples that meet the following criteria will not be processed:

  • Haemolysed, clotted, underfilled or overfilled samples.
  • Samples >12 hours old from the time of collection.
  • Samples received from other hospital laboratories that have been frozen and thawed.
  • Samples which fail the minimum data set.

Assay Limitations:

  • Before screening for the presence of a possible inhibitor, it should be confirmed that preanalytical factors are not responsible for prolonged coagulation test(s) and there is no known medical condition, e.g. liver disease, vitamin K deficiency, or DIC.
  • Anticoagulant therapy may interfere with the detection of circulating inhibitors. Warfarin should be discontinued before sample procurement for an inhibitor screen, and heparin should be discontinued for two days. Since heparin inhibits the activity of multiple coagulation factors in the APTT test, it is advisable to perform a thrombin time to rule out heparin contamination prior to performing any mixing study.
  • Immediate acting non-specific inhibitors such as Lupus Anticoagulants can occasionally give a prolongation of the PT/APTT on a 50:50 mix with normal plasma before  incubation. This may interfere with/invalidate results and further investigations may be necessary to exclude this.

Reference Range

<12% difference between incubated and immediate mix APTT


  • EQAS Scheme: No

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Location of Laboratories

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