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Cellular Pathology - Muscle Biopsy Service

Muscle Biopsy Service - specific requirements

Muscle biopsies are performed as part of the investigation of a clinically suspected neuromuscular disorder when other less invasive tests have not provided a firm diagnosis.  The Muscle Biopsy Service receives muscle and nerve samples from the whole of the West Midlands region and occasionally from elsewhere in the UK.

This Department offers the following investigative techniques:

 If required samples can be referred to specialist centres for further investigation

If a member of the muscle biopsy team is required to collect a nerve or muscle biopsy from QEHB theatres there should be a delay of no longer than 30 minutes between the biopsy being taken and the sample are being placed into fixative for electron microscopy.

For QEHB service users - Please call the lab to request collection as soon as possible once the specimen is available.  Prior to collection muscle should be kept in a dry universal container on water ice (ice can be supplied by the Muscle Lab) and the nerve should be kept in a dry universal container at room temperature.  A copy of the Muscle Biopsy request form noting the time the biopsy was taken should be completed by the requesting clinician. 

For external service users - Medical or secretarial staff from the requesting centre liaises directly with the Muscle Lab to book a biopsy.   A Senior Biomedical Scientist will travel to the hospital to collect the biopsy which is received fresh.  Clinical details are preferably received in advance of the biopsy from the requesting medical staff but relevant information may be transcribed from the patient’s notes onto the Muscle Biopsy Request Form by the Scientist collecting the biopsy.  The Scientist decides which tests will be required on the basis of this information.  The biopsy is cut up and fixed for certain tests on site, the rest of the specimen is brought back to the lab on ice and some is frozen in liquid nitrogen and the remainder allocated for further tests. 

Muscle Biopsy Service :

Cases can be requested as urgent at the time of the biopsy or by email/telephone; the pathologist will relay results back to the clinician via email/telephone.  

Department of Cellular Pathology