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Cellular Pathology - Cytopathology


The Department provides the diagnostic cytopathology services for the Trust including fine needle aspirations, endoscopic brushings and washings, EUS-FNAs , serous fluids urines and CSF.  Routine specimens should reach the laboratory before 16:30 so that they can be processed within normal working hours. Specimens collected out of laboratory hours should be stored refrigerated until the next morning on which the laboratory is open.  Cytology sample that do not meet the minimum data requirements on request form or sample, are processed, to ensure that sample integrate is maintained. Details of missing data are added to the report.  Request for Consumables and Request Forms

Sample containers for use in cytology and request forms can be order by contacting the Cytology Department; they can be collected from the Cellular Pathology reception at Heatlands or QEHB sites.  Cytology samples which do not meet the MDS will not be returned.  They will be processed in order to preserve the diagnostic material while attempts are made to contact the sender.  These samples will not be reported until adequate labelling of specimen and request form has been undertaken.Minimal delay between collection and receipt by the laboratory is necessary in order to prevent degeneration of cellular components and consequent loss of diagnostic value. All cytological specimens are potentially biohazardous and must be transported in leak proof containers enclosed in sealed bags. Specimens sent to the laboratory via the SDS should be placed in specimen bags and lids on the all containers should be securely closed. 

Specimens from patients with known or suspected tuberculosis, HIV, viral hepatitis or other transmissible disease should be labelled clearly.  Cytology DO NOT except or handle any specimens that are ? prion disease or CJD.

Specimens should be received as either pre-prepared slides, fresh unfixed samples in white- topped universal containers, or suspended in CRR.  Equipment used to collect the specimen such as brushes or drains are inappropriate.

Sputum - A series of three early morning ‘deep cough’ specimens should be collected on three consecutive days for maximum sensitivity. Post physiotherapy and post bronchoscopy specimens are suitable but should be clearly identified as such.

Serous Fluids - 50mls or the whole volume if less is aspirated should be sent in sterile universal containers. Include any tissue fragments or clots. Do not add fixative of anticoagulant. Drain bags are not suitable for transporting specimens and should NOT be sent.

Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) - Rapid processing is essential to preserve cells in CSF. These specimens should be sent to the laboratory within one hour.  ALL CSF SPECIMENS SHOULD REACH THE LABORATORY BY 16:30 AT THE LATEST TO ALLOW PREPARATION.

Urine - A representative aliquot of a maximum of 25ml of urine is sufficient for cytology processing, Ensure that this is not the first sample of the day.  Catheter urine and bladder washings are also acceptable but please mention this on the request form. Mid-stream urine samples are not suitable for cytology because they contain few cells.

Endoscopic Brushing - Immediate fixation is important and all slides must be labelled with PENCIL with the patient’s name and hospital number before the smears are made.

Fine needle aspiration - Unless the clinician is experienced in this procedure, including making good quality smears, it is recommended that they contact the laboratory for advice before beginning the procedure. Smears should be made and the needle rinsed out in cytorich red fluid. For ENT specimens in particular it is important that smears are sent as well as needle washings. Only prepared smears and needle washings are accepted. The sending of needles sheathed or otherwise is strictly forbidden.

EUS-FNAs - Please send all the specimen in cytorich red fluid

Cervical Smears - Cervical smears are NOT accepted in nor prepared by cytopathology at QEHB. Please send any cervical smear specimens to the Cytopathology Laboratory at Wolverhampton's Black Country Partnership Laboratories.


Department of Cellular Pathology