Preferred Sample Type

Calcium (adjusted)

Suitable Specimen Types

Li Hep

Calcium (adjusted)

Specimen Volume

5 mL blood

Sample Preparation


Turnaround Time

1 day

Sample Processing In Laboratory


Sample Stability


General Information


Calcium ions affect the contractility of the heart and the skeletal musculature and are required for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Approximately 99% of calcium in the body is stored in bones. Only around 1% of total body calcium is found in plasma. Around half of calcium in plasma exists in the ionised (active) form or is bound to proteins such as albumin (inactive). Total calcium in plasma is therefore affected by the amount of circulating albumin the blood. To account for these changes, an equation can be used to estimate what the total calcium would be if albumin was within reference range limits (usually taken to be 40 g/L).

Adjusted calcium results results are automatically calculated by the laboratory system using the following locally derived formula:

[ Adjusted Calcium] = [Total Calcium] + 0.016 (42 – [Albumin])

Note: Adjusted Calcium is not valid for paediatric patients or if acidosis or alkalosis is present. Hypocalcaemia presents itself as tetany and osteomalacia.

Hypercalcaemia is frequently due to an increased mobilisation of calcium from the skeleton and increased intestinal absorption.


Patient Preparation



Prolonged tourniquet use, administration of vitamin D or bendrofluazide can increase calcium concentration

EDTA or citrate contamination will decrease calcium concentration



Reference Range

Adult male/female reference range: 2.2-2.6 mmol/L

(Pathology Harmony)


  • EQA Status:


  • EQAS Scheme: Yes

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